Participant (by invitation) Energy Arbitration: Resolving Energy Disputes in Times of Crisis (CIArb - Houston, April, 2017); Delegate (by invitation) Global Pound Conference Series (Austin, January, 2017); Faculty, AAA Webinar, How to Navigate the Arbitrator Disclosure Minefield, 2014; AAA Webinar, Innovative Testimony Techniques for the Arbitration Hearing, 2014; AAA Faculty Managing a Successful Arbitration, 2014; AAA Disclosures, Depositions and Dispositive Motions, 2013; AAA/ICDR Neutrals Conference, 2012; Association of Attorney-Mediators, Annual CLE Program, 2011; College of Commercial Arbitrators Annual Meeting, 2011, 2010; AAA Regaining Speed and Economy in Dispute Resolution, 2011; AAA Webinar, Due Process Dilemmas: How Far to Go in the Name of Fairness, 2011; State Bar of Texas ADR Section and TexasBarCLE Annual Seminar: Alternative Dispute Resolution Course, 2010; Faculty, AAA/ICDR Neutrals Conference, 2010; AAA Webinar, How International Arbitration Techniques Can Benefit Domestic Arbitration, 2010; AAA, Efficient ADR - Saving the Client's Money Through Technology and Common Sense, 2010; AAA Faculty, ADR Strategies That Save Time and Money, 2010; DRBF, Annual Meeting, 2009.